How to create and manage API keys

This is a quick guide to help you get started using our API.

Create an API key

Go to Team settings in the user menu, then go to the API-keys tab. Please note that you need admin permissions for the team to be able to see this tab.

Generate API key

Generate a new API key by clicking the Generate API key button. You can add multiple API keys if you wish to do so. First time you generate an API-key you will find the button here.

If you already have API-keys, the button is found in the upper right corner.

When clicking the Generate API-key button a modal will appear and here you can specify the name and the description of the API-key, this is optional. 

The API-key is now generated and you can now configure the API-key. For additional security, you can enable the required message signature and you can also edit the Setting Permissions for this API-key now or later from Edit API-key details panel. 

Please note that you need to be on a professional plan to benefit from increased security by signing your API-keys with a secret key and also to benefit from having the option to customize your API-key settings.

Search & Filters

Use search to filter on specific API-keys. You can also sort the different categories by clicking each title in the table. 

Edit API-key

Select the API-key you want to edit and click the actions button and select Edit. You need to confirm the edit action. A success message will be shown after it has been successfully changed.

In the edit view you can change name and description. You can also enable if a message signature (based on secret key) should be required. Lastly you can change the API Setting Permissions. It is possible to search for specific API setting permissions. 

Please note that you need to be on a professional plan to benefit from increased security by signing your API-keys with a secret key and also to benefit from having the option to customize your API-key settings.

Revoke API-key

Select the API-key you want to revoke and click the actions button and select Revoke. You need to confirm the revoke action. A success message will be shown after it has been revoked.

Test your credentials

Verify that you have extracted the right information by testing the API with a tool like Curl. Enter the following as the URL:

https://<api key>

You should get a JSON response including information for the domains you have in your team. 

Implementing the API

For further information on how to implement the API and code examples, please visit our developer portal at Happy scanning!